
Yes, it all could be passing me by
& I might not notice
or I might be hiding the fact
that I’m trying to trap
these moments in a jar
to keep them.  I don’t
want to let goodness
escape or transform
so I’m often guilty
of smothering it.

What if I decided
to abandon my issues
instead of fearing
someone walking away
from me because
it means they may
never return?  What if
I leave everything be,
grant everything
freedom I only recently
shook hands with?

Possibilities gather
around me like falling snow.
I watch them pile up, spin
wonders into the air that
I am happy to inhale.   I want
to do more than observe.
I want to lie down &
believe in my having
angels’ wings again.

I want to share my heart
recklessly. I want to face
each storm fearlessly. I want
the cold to tremble at me.

Yes, it’s all happening
& I am here witnessing.
I am twirling. I am leading
my soul in the dance. I am
in the wind, in the trees,
in the waves. I am holding
it all in my small, precious hands.

Image by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay

Published by Jennifer Patino

Poet in Michigan.

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